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Al-Farabi (872-950)


  1. Philosophy of Plato and Aristotle (1969), Cornell University Press, New York, 2001 (extraits),
  2. De l'obtention du bonheur, Éditions Allia, Paris, 2005 (extraits).


  1. Joep Lameer, Al Fârâbî and Aristotelian syllogistics. Greek theory and Islamic practice, E. J. Brill, Leiden, Netherlands, 1994 (extraits),
  2. Ian Richard Netton, Al Fârâbî and His School (1992), Routledge, Richmond, Surrey, 1999,
  3. Muḥsin Mahdī, Al Fârâbî and the foundation of Islamic political philosophy, University of Chicago Press, 2001 (extraits),
  4. Robert Hammond, The philosophy of Al Fârâbî and its influence on medieval thought (1947), Forgotten Books, 2008,
  5. Jacques Langhade, Du Coran à la philosophie. La langue arabe et la formation du vocabulaire philosophique de Fârâbî (1994), Presses de l'Ifpo, Damas, Collection : Études arabes, médiévales et modernes | PIFD 149, OpenEdition Books, 2014.